
The field of arboriculture concerns itself with the health and management of individual trees. Our expertise in the fields of ecology, forestry science and horticulture can also be particularly useful when dealing with large numbers of trees.

Taylor Ecology is a ‘consultancy only’ arboricutural service which provides professional reports, advice and supervision.

There can be no conflict of interest because we do not carry out contracting work and are not associated with any tree removal company.

It is common for the health of individual trees to be influenced by environmental factors which may be far removed from the site of interest. That separation could relate to distance and/or time. An understanding of these factors is vital in ensuring correct diagnosis and management.

Much of the published literature and texts relating to tree health concerns itelf with species from the northern hemisphere. After 40 years' experience with local native species we may be able to provide that extra perspective to assist with your tree management. Be aware that in many respects the growth habits of eucalypts are nothing like that of most other tree genera.