Replanting Mythology 1

Sometimes when trees are cleared for development it is a requirement of some authorities to undertake replacement or compensatory plantings. The philosophy is that there will be no net loss of canopy cover and habitat. Laudable sentiments.

However for some authorities the replanting approach is more about instant gratification. This approach not only predisposes the replanting to long term failure but could also be very dangerous.

The ‘instant’ solution means the replanting with advanced tree stock such as 25 litre tubs or – incredibly – 100 litre tubs. If such stock receive adequate maintenance and correct installation techniques then all may be well and good. But just what constitutes ‘adequate’ for maintenance and installation is in my experience totally underestimated by industry at large and the consequences are trees that frequently barely struggle to survive let alone reach mythical canopy sizes.

A far superior approach is to utilise tube stock for the following reasons –
1. Cheaper.
2. Virtually no follow up watering required.
3. Faster growth rates.
4. A larger tree that is healthier and more self-sustaining.

Please read the next posting under this heading for another compelling reason.